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Tomb of Annihilation Campaign

Run by DM John, Tomb of Annihilation is an adventure book from Wizards of the Coast. It is based on the notoriously deadly 1st edition adventure module Tomb of Horrors. Many of us created numerous characters in anticipation of our starting characters not surviving to the end of the dungeon. Our friend Brian adventured with us for this campaign.

Special Rules

  • Spells that bring characters back from the dead do not work.
  • Some teleportation spells do not function properly.
  • Death saving throw DCs (difficulty class) are 15 instead of 10, meaning a 15 or higher must be rolled on the D20 for a success.
    • 3 successful death saves means the character is stable (standard rule).
    • 3 failed death saves means the character dies (standard rule).
  • Death saving throws are made in secret by the Dungeon Master, rather than in the open by the player.


    1. Fang – Goblin, Level 9, Multiclass, Level 1 Cleric (Peace Domain)/Level 7 Druid (Circle of the Moon)/Level 1 Monk.
      • Deceased: Was hit by a blue ray from an eye stalk that was in some purple mold. The ray knocked him back 30 feet into the middle of a six story winding staircase where he fell into darkness (Episode #108). He survived the fall but was killed by Gargoyles.
      • Brian wanted to retire the character.
    2. A.A. – Goblin, Level 9, Multiclass, Level 5 Artificer (Battle Smith)/Level 4 Fighter (Arcane Archer).
      • Deceased: Killed by a Death Ray from Belchorzh the beholder (Episode #115).
    1. Gleep the Gelatinous – Plasmoid, Level 9, Monk (Way of the Drunken Master).
      • Deceased: Disappeared after disembodied voices were heard from the darkness inside Papazotl’s Tomb (Episode #103). A coven of hags on the lower level of the dungeon teleported him away and killed him.
      • Chris wanted to retire the character.
    2. Forimon the Frail – Human, Level 9, Wizard (School of Evocation).
      • Deceased: Used the spell Dimension Door and was teleported to the Oubliette where he was pulled into darkness and destroyed (Episode #104).
    3. Hergoth the Hexer – Tiefling, Level 9, Warlock (The Hexblade).
      • Deceased: Walked out of Kubazan’s Tomb (Episode #109) and was found dead at the bottom of a room called Winds of Pandemonium (Episode #112). After defeating a wraith, he was killed by bludgeoning damage inflicted by a curtain of water in the Reflected Hall. His body was moved to the Winds of Pandemonium room by the tomb janitors.
      • Chris wanted to retire the character.
    4. GH-98 (Golem of Healing Model 98) – Warforged, Level 9, Cleric (Life Domain).
      • Petrified: Petrified by a Petrification Ray from Belchorzh the beholder (Episode #115).
  • GREG
    1. Mayok – Human, Level 9, Paladin (Oath of Vengeance).
      • Deceased: Killed by a Death Ray from Belchorzh the beholder (Episode #115).
  • KATE
    1. Tavriel – Shadar-Kai Elf, Level 9, Monk (Way of Mercy).
      • Deceased: Disintegrated by a green ray from the darkness inside Papazotl’s Tomb after disembodied voices were heard from within (Episode #103). A coven of hags on the lower level of the dungeon was responsible.
      • Kate wanted to retire the character.
    2. Khalanna Graveseeker – Shadar-Kai Elf, Level 9, Level 6 Cleric (Grave Domain)/Level 3 Fighter (Psi Warrior).
      • Deceased: Killed by a Disintegration Ray from Belchorzh the beholder (Episode #115).
    1. Durkris – Kobold, Level 9, Barbarian (Path of the Beast).
      • Deceased: Killed by a Disintegration Ray from Belchorzh the beholder (Episode #115).
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