These are the campaigns we’ve had on our podcast. Specific episode numbers can be found in our Episode Guide.
Campaigns Guide
Spacefarers Campaign (73 episodes)
Run by DM Chris. Our first podcast campaign was Spacefarers, a mix of science fiction and fantasy, and is based on the campaign setting Spelljammer from Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (1989). Ships fly through wildspace, and vary in design from your typical seafaring vessels like cutters and galleons, with the crew standing on deck during …
In Volo’s Wake Mini-Campaign (6 episodes)
Run by our entire cast. The Town of Phandalin is dealing with strange events brought on by a visit from none other than loremaster Volothamp Geddarm. In Volo’s Wake is a short adventure series created by Wizards of the Coast. Our group played extra sessions and saved up these adventures so they could be released …
Tomb of Annihilation Campaign (20 episodes)
Run by DM John. A worldwide “death curse” is preventing the raising of the dead, and is also causing creatures that were previously raised from the dead to wither and die. The source of this death curse lies in a trap-riddled tomb hidden beneath a lost city in the depths of a vast jungle. Tomb …
Candlekeep Mysteries Mini-Campaign (11 episodes)
Run by DM Sarah. Candlekeep Mysteries is an anthology of seventeen mystery-themed adventures from Wizards of the Coast. Each adventure begins with a book that the characters find in Candlekeep, an enormous library located on the Sword Coast in the Forgotten Realms setting. Our friend Brian adventured with us for this campaign. Our group played …
Dragonbirth Mini-Campaign (12 episodes)
Run by DM Chris. In the world of Harkenrath, on the island continent of Iodore, the dragonborn council is corrupt. A group of unlikely heroes possessing the same dragon-claw birthmark are brought together to discover their shared destinies as they attempt to put an end to the rule of the council. DM Chris runs the …
Keys from the Golden Vault Campaign (currently ongoing)
Run by DM John. The characters become involved in a series of heist adventures, many of which are given to them by a mysterious group known as The Golden Vault. In each adventure, the characters receive a mission, plan the job, execute their plan, and try to escape the scene. Player Characters