D&D Rules Basics

  • Terminology
    • 5E means fifth edition (the current edition of the game).
      • Previous editions are 1E, 2E, 3E, 4E.
    • D&D means Dungeons and Dragons.
    • DM means Dungeon Master (the storyteller).
      • GM, or Game Master, is a more system neutral term.
    • PC means player character.
    • NPC means non-player character.
    • AC means armor class (how well a character is protected from attacks).
    • “Cocked” means when a die isn’t laying flat on one side and therefore must be rerolled.
    • d20 means a 20 sided die (additionally there is the d4, d6, d8, d10, and d12).
  • Basic Game Play
    • The DM describes the scene.
    • The players describe their characters’ actions.
    • The DM tells the players the result.
    • Repeat the process.
  • The Three Core Activities of D&D Adventures
    • Exploration.
    • Social Interaction.
    • Combat.
  • Characters
    • Ability Scores (generate modifiers for dice rolls)
      • Strength.
      • Dexterity.
      • Constitution.
      • Intelligence.
      • Wisdom.
      • Charisma.
    • Species.
      • Human, dwarf, elf, etc.
    • Classes (a character’s job).
      • Fighter, rogue, cleric, wizard, etc.
    • Experience Points
      • One method used for characters to reach higher levels in their class.
      • Character levels are 1st level to 20th level.
  • Core Game Mechanic
    • Roll the d20 and add a number (called a modifier).
    • …to attack rolls (to hit something).
    • …to saving throws (to resist an effect).
    • …to skill checks (to use a skill like Acrobatics, Performance, or Persuasion).
    • Compare the total of the d20 roll, plus the modifier, to a target number.
    • You must meet or exceed the target number to succeed on the roll.
    • Rolling a 20 is referred to as a “natural 20,” and is often followed by cheers!
    • Rolling a 1 is referred to as a “natural 1,” and is often followed by swearing!
  • Combat
    • Takes place over several rounds.
      • Each round is 6 seconds in game time.
    • Movement.
      • Move up to your speed.
    • Action.
      • Attack, cast a spell, use a class or species feature.
    • Bonus action.
      • …only if you have a feature that requires a bonus action to use.
    • Attack rolls.
      • Try to hit a creature’s armor class (AC).
      • Rolling a natural 20 on an attack roll is a critical hit, or simply a critical, which does extra damage, and is often followed by cheers!
      • Rolling a natural 1 on an attack roll is an automatic miss, and is often followed by swearing!
    • Hit Points.
      • The amount of damage a creature can take before going unconscious.
      • Generated from hit dice.
        • A number of hit dice equal to a character’s level (1-20).
    • Damage.
      • Reduces a character’s hit points.
      • Temporary hit points are an additional buffer.
      • When a player character reaches 0 hit points they drop unconscious and must make death saving throws.
    • Death Saving Throws (or death saves).
      • Rolled at the start of a dying character’s turn.
      • Roll the d20, with no modifiers, and hope to get 10 or higher.
      • Three successes means the character is unconscious but stable.
      • Three failures means the character dies.
      • Rolling a natural 20 on a death save means the player character regains one hit point and is conscious, and is often followed by cheers!
      • Rolling a natural 1 on a death save means the player character suffers two failures, and is often followed by swearing!
  • Magic
    • Cantrips.
      • Spells that can be used each round of combat. They do not consume spell slots.
    • Spell slots.
      • A consumable resource used to cast spells of 1st level or higher.
    • Concentration.
      • Required by some spells with a longer duration.
      • Damage can disrupt concentration on a spell.
  • Resting
    • Short Rest.
      • At the end of which a character can spend hit dice to heal.
    • Long Rest.
      • Recover all hit points, hit dice, and spell slots.
      • Recover expended uses of class abilities and species traits.
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