
This is an actual play Dungeons and Dragons podcast from New Hampshire (listener discretion advised). Our goal is to spread the love of Dungeons and Dragons and to support and promote the D&D community. We hope new players will develop an interest in the game by listening to our podcast, and we hope experienced players will find some new ideas to incorporate into their existing campaigns. We also hope our unique style of banter and humor will be entertaining for our listeners. All of our music is royalty free and comes from four great composers: Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com), Michael Ghelfi Studios (https://www.youtube.com/c/MichaelGhelfiMusic), Plate Mail Games (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/4847/Plate-Mail-Games), and Tabletop Audio (https://tabletopaudio.com).

Our episodes include three introductory episodes, short and long campaigns, one-shots, advice episodes, round-table discussion style episodes, and cross-promotional episodes with other podcasts and content creators. Adventure episodes are published twice a month on Tuesdays. This is a change from our initial format when our adventure episodes were broken into parts and published weekly. Most of our episodes are our actual D&D sessions. Regarding episode length, our three introductory episodes, and the Just the Tips episodes, are less than fifteen minutes each. Regarding our D&D adventure episodes, up through episode number 31 the length of the adventure episodes are 1.5-2 hours per episode so we would have weekly content. Adventure episodes 32-44 are 3-4 hours per episode due to adventures being released in their entirety. Adventure episodes 45-50, which is our In Volo’s Wake series, are 2-3 hours per episode, and feature each cast member taking a turn as the DM. Adventure episodes 51 and after are approximately 2 hours per episode, sometimes a little shorter, sometimes a little longer, but they probably average out at around 2 hours each.

At the top and bottom of this web page are a string of icons representing our Podbean site, a link to subscribe to our RSS feed (RSS reader needed), and our social media links. Please tell your friends about Knights of Roleplay and spread the word through social media. If you enjoy the podcast, please leave us a review anywhere this podcast can be found. Your help and support are greatly appreciated.


Growth Over Time

Hello everyone! This is DM (Dungeon Master) Chris. As with most podcasts we’ve grown and changed over time. Below is a list of some of those changes:

  • I feel that our sound quality has always been good and has only improved overtime. I feel that our sound quality holds up very well when compared to other D&D podcasts that I listened to prior to launching Knights of Roleplay. For the first year and a half of our podcast, for our in-person adventures, the background music was simply picked up by our microphones. As of adventure episode number 63, I started sending the background music directly into our mixer, at which point the background music became more present for our in-person adventures. For our Zoom adventures, the bulk of which were episodes 22-60, the background music was always more present because I put the music in during post processing.
  • Our library of royalty-free music has grown overtime. We started with music from Plate Mail Games, Tabletop Audio, and Kevin MacLeod. I added background music from Michael Ghelfi Studios as of adventure episode number 86.
  • We used to have a small amount of clipping, or crackling, that occurred when people were very loud and excited during our in-person adventures, but as of adventure episode number 111, I learned how to set our mixer in such a way that clipping is very rare.
  • Our background music used to duck our voices, meaning it would get quieter when we spoke. As of adventure episode number 131 the background music no longer ducks our voices.
  • I experimented with trailers for quite a while (#33-93) but the time and effort needed to make them led me to table them for the time being.
  • We now have a total of six campaigns available to listen to, ranging in length from 6 episodes long to 73 episodes.
  • We appeared at our first convention in Sept of 2023. We had a table at Granite State Comicon for three days and met a lot of great people.
  • We will be appearing in the May edition of New Hampshire magazine.

I’m always open to finding ways to improve our podcast. If you have any suggestions you can always contact us through this website using the Contact tab (preferred) or through our social media accounts (Facebook preferred).

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